Turn your reviews
into a lead magnet
Revyou is your page for aggregating reviews, building trust, and showcasing testimonials that win you clients.

Import reviews from anywhere with AI ✨
Import client reviews from anywhere you're reviews live - from Whatsapp and Linkedin to Upwork and Instagram.
1. Screenshot your review 📸
2. Paste or upload your review screenshot ⬆️
3. Revyou creates a stylish review card ✨
Sign Up for FreeCustomize your reviews to showcase your work
Enrich your reviews to impress new clients.
- Highlight project details
- Showcase images and videos
- Add links
- Customize colors and shapes

One home for all of your reviews
Get a custom URL Revyou page where anyone can view your wall of reviews. Add CTAs, images, and more to create the perfect lead funnel.
Sign Up for FreeTurn your socials into a lead-magnet
Share your Revyou link in your social media bios on Instagram, TikTok, X and other platforms to turn your socials into a lead-magnet.

Get discovered with instant SEO
Pages on Revyou are SEO optimized - that means your page will appear in searches on Google and other search engines! This helps bring you organic inbound clients.
Your Profile, Your Identity
Discover hundreds of ways to customize your profile. From minimalist to creative, make it truly yours. Browse through our community's profiles for inspiration.
Frequently Asked Questions
For any other questions, please feel free to ask on our Discord.
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